jeudi 22 avril 2010

Magic sudoku

Chaque ligne, colonne et région, ainsi que chacune des deux grandes diagonales, doit contenir les chiffres de 1 à 9.
Au sein d'une région, les cases colorées ne peuvent contenir qu'un chiffre inférieur ou égal au nombre de cases colorées.
Each row, column and region, and each of the two main diagonals, must contain the digits from 1 to 9.
Within a region, colored cells must contain a digit less than or equal to the number of colored cells.


3 commentaires:

  1. Hi
    There is a mistake in the english instructions that the coloured cells will contain digits less than or equal to no. of coloured cells in that 3x3 box.

    Gaurav Korde

  2. Hi Gaurav, nice to see you here !
    I don't understand where the problem is. The rule means that if there are X blue cells in a region, then these cells will contain the digits from 1 to X.
    What bothers you ?

  3. j'ai eu de la peine, apres maintes essais je suis arrivé
